Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas Sergeant Jackson

So I wanted to pause and thank all of you who have been praying for me. I received a fantastic Christmas gift this year. I was promoted to Sergeant by the Battalion Commander on Christmas Eve. I've been up for this promotion for a few months, and was told a few weeks ago that it was going to come through soon, but it was quite the suprise when we had a formation for us to take a company picture, and I was called up front by our BC and promoted. Thank you guys!

This is the biggest jump of rank in the Army. It means I go from being a "regular joe" to being a member of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers (NCO's). It means I'm being entrusted as a leader and given the title "Sergeant." This is a really big deal.

It's kind of funny because once again it was something I was really frustrated about and really wanted, and I had talked with God lately and prayed for Him to expand my sphere of influence so that I could affect more people. So, He's trusting me with a huge responsibility. Please keep praying that I stay strong and my love for Him continues to grow and become more evident.

Thank you for your prayers. God is still great this holiday season.


mamachocolatemoose said...

Way to go Sarge!!! We had no doubt, about time the Army figured it out!
Lots of love, Mom

Unknown said...

Yeah Bobbys the man

JMH85 said...

What wonderful news. Congratulations on your awesome achievement. God is so good and is still answering prayers everyday. In Prayer.


Vallie said...

Congratulations, Sergeant Jackson! We're proud of you, and thankful that God decided to say yes to our request. May He be glorified in and through you as He gives you this position.

Unknown said...

congratulations bobby! you're SOOO important now. and powerful and in charge. may this new position be a great tool to do God's work over there in the lives of your men. go gandalf!

beckyjoy said...

Congrats Bobby! It's awsome that you were promoted. I hope that you are doing well and are safe! Happy New Year!!

Vallie said...

Happy New Year, Bobby! Thank you to you and all of your fellow soldiers who spent the holidays away from home, serving for your country. We do appreciate your sacrifices.

This morning at church, Sean preached on the passage in Matthew about prayer. Ask and you shall receive...and the fact that if earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more will our Heavenly Father give us good gifts. Who will give their child a stone when they ask for bread? We were thankful for the promise that when we ask, knock, and seek what is in line with God's will, He will give us what we ask. But Sean was very transparent. He said he had a problem with that passage. What about all the times we ask, and we feel like we don't receive, or our prayer isn't being answered, like God is so far away. Then he showed us another verse in Luke that reminded us that the good gift is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is who enables us to live this life of a disciple through our circumstances in a way that can glorify God, despite what we're going through. As always, Bobby, I'm not always the best at repeating the message. Hopefully you can check out the whole thing on iTunes someday. Just remember we all love you and keep praying for you.

Stephie said...


I haven't checked your blog in a while. Mostly because my computer broke.

I love you.

Sarge. Balu. Sargealu.